Imps Battling To Replace Sponsors Can You Help?

Last updated : 05 June 2011 By Neil Hobbs


Lincoln University has decided against continuing their away shirt sponsorship deal with Lincoln City. It is a real shame as the University is a true up and coming success story within the City. LCM would like to thank them for their support for both our club and its wider showcasing of our fabulous city to the cream of young talent. Hopefully this will halt the brain drain we have seen over the years.

The Imps therefore are looking for a second and third choice shirt sponsor with a low 5 figure deal likely believed sufficient to secure both.




The Go, or should that be Gone Car stand, also appears to be closer to finding a sponsor with 3 companies looking to get involved. Losing the Imps tag was both a surprise and a travesty a few years ago given IMPS Ltd (Industrial and Marine Power Services) are another local success story that has gone from strength to strength on the world stage at the same time as parting commercially from our beloved club.  Let us hope a change of Chief Executive might do the trick.




LCM will take the lead.

I am willing to take 2 weeks off work at the beginning of August to get on the phone and out and about to bring in sponsors at no charge to Lincoln City FC.  

 LCFC is a love supreme

and far more important than any historic

them and us tribalisms
